We learned that they hold a ceremony every year where they 'charge' the fountains with water from the 7 seas. Navy men actually pour water from each of the seas into the fountain at the memorial. Here are Brent and Samuel feeling the water.
This was our main goal for this trip. Last year we studied the Gutenberg Bible and the impact that the invention of printing had on world history. When we learned that the Library of Congress has one on display, Abigail and I were so excited to see one in person.
We all really enjoyed looking in on the main reading room. From a viewing window on the second story, we looked in and picked out so many interesting things. Samuel loved the flower shaped ceiling tins. It was fun to identify the statues around the edge of the room. The kids were surprised to see Moses up there. "Moses? From the bible?" they asked. Yep, that's the one :)
A fun surprise was a display from the Early Americas. There are artifacts from the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs, as well as some of the books and maps from the Spanish explorers. This is the exact period of history that we are currently studying. Their teacher was pretty excited!
We had lunch at the National Museum of American Indians.
Their restaurant is set up like a cafeteria, with each station representing a different region of the United States. You can try salmon from the Northwest, tamales from the Southwest, etc. We had a buffalo sandwich from the Great Plains and smoked turkey from the Northeast. Oh, and prickly pear ice cream...just because it sounded fun. This photo of Ethan and me is right outside the museum...I so needed a papoose board.
This is a small museum, but has some fun displays. You start out walking through a dark wooded trail (1st US mail route), go through an area with letters from homesteaders and a stagecoach, and end in modern day. The photo of Abigail and Samuel is the main entry.
They have postage stamp collections that Brent really enjoyed seeing. The stamps reminded us of Grandpa Joe... his mail was some of the most unique and most anticipated.
The Supreme Court
The steps of the Supreme Court gave us a chance to discuss the 3 branches of government. We will study it more in depth this year, but the kids were so interested to hear how the power is divided. We climbed up the steps and looked at the beautiful brass doors and the huge marble columns. It really is a beautiful place and amazing to stand where so many important decisions are made for our nation.
Even if you don't do all the walking, seeing Washington DC is an exciting and exhausting adventure.
I'm sitting here crying over the pictures of sweet Ethan! We serve and amazing God and He is faithful through thick and thin. We love and treasure each one of you so much! Perhaps some day we can explore this amazing city together!
Looks like a fun and educational trip. I love the picture of you and Ethan that is frame worthy for sure!!
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