Welcome to the 'egg building'. When Brent arrived this spring, he and our friend Danny, set up the egg washing supplies inside this small shed. No doors, no windows, no heat or cooling... no problem.
We begin with baskets of freshly gathered eggs. First, we spray them off with water. Next, with rags dipped in warm water, we wash any dirty eggs by hand.
They eggs are then weighed and cartoned as Large or Medium. Thankfully, we have a cool cellar to store the finished eggs in and then we deliver them to the main farms coolers about twice/week. From there they are delivered straight to the customers.
Everyone helps wash eggs! Brent, Melissa, Abigail, Samuel, Ethan, visiting friends, neighbors... It is a very time consuming job, but we have gotten faster as the time goes by. So many memories have been made at this table: stories told, songs learned, books read aloud. A good example of quality and quantity time together!
Still, if we do any more eggs...we will be shopping for a machine washer!
Wow! Owen and I had a wonderful time with your traveling family. We both missed people from home so terribly. Now, when I drive by Hampton Inn, I secretly hope your trailor will still be there. :)
I hope you all enjoyed the "big city" experience with Rudy's BBQ, mega-church Sunday School, Babe's Chicken House, American Girl...and Krispy Kreme (where were those donuts falling? oh my word!).
I can't wait to see you again at Christmas. Your friendship blesses my soul!
Last but not least, I LOVE your Incredible, edible egg series. Everytime I look at the pictures, I think of what a family-boosting lifestyle it is. What a gift!
Having visited this fun egg washing house I can say I have some fun memories to treasure from that table as well. I am secretly very glad to have you back in my area of the country for a while though :)
Love you,
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