Sunday, May 17, 2009

Awana Grand Prix

Over the past few weeks, Abigail and Samuel have been preparing for their big Awana Grand Prix. After learning lots and lots of verses over the year, the kids get to make a pinewood derby car and race. They each sketched what they wanted to make, called our friend John to help with the tools, and then sanded and painted the cars...

Samuel made a tank. Not just any tank though... the turret spun, the 'barrel' was counter-sunk to look real, and a vintage GI Joe was the driver.

For the past year, Abigail has said that she wants a blue truck when she can drive. So, she made one for the race. She chose the exact shade of blue that she likes and put a dog on some hay in the back. It was also her cute idea to put the Farm Use license plate on the tail gate.

Abigail and Samuel both won participation ribbons and super fun door prizes. What a fun project. Plans for next year's cars are already underway!


Mama2fiveblessings said...

These look terrific Abigail and Samuel. I'm so glad you had so much fun putting them together!! Love you,
Miss Tiffany

Maria Rose said...

Wow, those are impressive. Seems to tell a lot about your little ones too!

Maria Rose said...

Hey, you won! Be sure and stop by my blog and drop me an email with your mailing address!