Thursday, June 11, 2009

They flew the coop...

After spending the first three weeks of their lives in the brooder, which is a substitution for a warm nest that provides shelter, warmth and plenty of food, the chicks are now ready for greener pastures.
They are able to leave the wood chip bedding, that they once needed, and live on lush green grass. It is a good graduation, but it requires a little bit of travel.

In preparation for their short journey, they board these plastic crates. There is only economy class available, so the seating is a little snug. I understand because it feels the same way when we fly anywhere with our 3 small children!

Fortunately, some kind attendants came by with some snacks. Not peanuts, but still satisfying and it helped to pass the time.

Brent skipped the safety instructions and just fastened their seat belts for them. Then they were on their way.

As we made our final approach, they could see their destination in the distance. See the thick grass, the safe shelters and the rows of honeysuckle nearby? It looked even better than the brochure.

Bye, Bye...thank you for traveling with us today. Bye, Bye!
After finding their lodgings, they were so excited to see an all-you-can-eat-buffet!
Don't they look so much happier? Makes me want to take a summer vacation.

When we were trying to decide what niche of agriculture that we wanted to work in, this is what appealed to our hearts. It is family friendly, so we can all work together. The animals are raised with a respect for the way that God made them. It produces healthy food and rich soil.
As we progress in this business, we plan to stack enterprises. Cows will be able to graze next to the pins, free range layers will follow the cow rotations and pigs may be rooting in nearby woods. For now though, this is a good start and we are thankful.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful journey. It is so green and lush. I am sure the chicks will love it.

Tell the boys in your house that my boys were shooting .22s.

Chad and I would both love to come visit sometime.

I love all of your photography.

Take care my friend,


Mama2fiveblessings said...

What a sweet and witty post my friend!! The chickens do look happy in their new digs. How awesome to see your progress, you are doing good work my friends!!
Love you,

Sarah Wildman said...

Wow, reminds me of Arizona.....or maybe NOT! I love the step by step photos, too cute. Praising God for providing such a wonderful place for you.

Love you!

Unknown said...

Fun to see the actual moving day! Glad it went well and you are already onto your next batch too.

I sure had a fun time with all of you. Les has more ideas for you all the time so you will likely be hearing from him. He is a farmer at heart for sure so give him a call anytime as I'm sure he will be calling you. More auctions to attend too!! Love, Diane