Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Incredible, edible eggs: part I

This is an Egg-Mobile

It is a portable hen house that is pulled with a tractor. Four nights/week, we closed up the egg-mobile at dark. Early the next morning, Brent moved them to a fresh patch of grass. The result of all this extra labor? Super yummy eggs with bright yellow yolks. Oh, and lots of brilliant green grass, clean pastures, and happy chickens.

If you are a chicken (or Ethan), you enter through a small door at the top of a ramp. Otherwise, you enter through a door on the side. :)

The inside walls are filled with double decker nest boxes filled with straw.

Some boxes had no eggs while others had over a dozen. We're not sure why but we figured it was probably like all real estate...location and trends.

As omnivores, chickens eat a pretty wide variety of things daily. They dine on the fresh grass, the outdoor creepy crawlies (like grasshoppers), and a grain mixure from these indoor feeders.

Next post: gathering eggs...


Anonymous said...
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Jaime said...

What a fun experience for your kids. Those are memories you all will treasure forever. I wish you were closer so we could come and visit!