What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails and puppy-dog's tails,
And that's what little boys are made of.
Since moving to the farm, our boys are happier...busier...tanner...and DIRTIER!
Samuel and Ethan go under fences, through bushes, up trees, in creeks and over every inch available. Even though their sister is with them most of the time, Abigail always manages to stay pretty tidy. Must be the sugar and spice she's made of :)
We've realized the best way to take care of this dirty problem, is to just let our boys enjoy their freedom. And then use lots of...
Such cute boys!!! What a blessing to be able to let them run and play and do what they do best which is be boys!! Another blessing of farm life!! Love you all, and especially those sweet boys :) Tiffany
Wow, you are giving those kids quite a wonderful childhood! How blessed they are to have parents that understand and let them get dirty and just be kids.
Land to roam and explore is hands down the best place for boys to grow up. So thankful God has provided that! Dirt is removable -- but those precious memories & experiences on the farm are not. Love the pics!
It is so nice having a place where kids can run and play and climb tree's and fences and do all the things kids do exceply boys... What a blessing!!!
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