Friday, October 23, 2009

i Spy

Ever get the feeling someone is following you?

It could be one of these two fashionable secret agents.

Spy gear has been purchases, missions are accepted, disquises have been created... only I can't tell you about it, because it is TOP SECRET.

Much research is done on each case, because they realize clues can be around every corner.

Super secret information passes from one spy to another, almost without notice.

No where is safe anymore, there are people in restaurants that act 'fishy' and must be observed. Seemingly normal shoppers int he grocery store are noticed with suspicions. Each clue is documented and analyzed.

So, be aware of this happy couple. They may be watching. They may be listening.

No mission is impossible!


PeriDawn said...

What fun!!! They have some awesome imagination!! Love you all and miss you PeriDawn

Mama2fiveblessings said...

Do your spies know that somewhere in Northern Arizona lurk two other spies that await their faithful friends and would love to go spying with them??? For a moment I thought that perhaps James took a trip that I didn't know about when I saw your male secret agent!! :) Fun awaits in many days until you get here again???? Have a wonderful weekend...we love you. The Clan :)